To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
I provided the hosting space. This was a secret for a while now, but the both of us knew how you were feeling, so we decided to cheer you up.Displayed are Miles pictures for you. We hope you like...
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
Heh, thanks for posting it. Loong message. But have a look. They're really cool, and I tried pretty hard. x.X The one, last one, I think, is one I did with a new style.There are only two forces in the...
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President and CEO of UGC and TLK:UN
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I read about Kuliwa but I didn't know what to sayall this is too sweet from you!!!!and Miles: great pics!!!Hope Kuliwa gets better.................Willy puff!!-thanks to clsa!-
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Thanks, Eky. I hope she does too. Kuliwa is so sweet. We love her so much, don't we all? President and CEO of UGC and TLK:UN
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
Aaa, I noticed that the last one had more rounder and "fleshyer" looks, like cats have, and face is great! The expression stands out more clearly and focus of look is more defined. All of those are...
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
*calls out*KUUUUUUUULIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Where are you???President and CEO of UGC and TLK:UN
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*ears perk* I'm here!I'm...speechless......o.OMiles, your work is so much more alive, you've captured my personality greatly in that last pic. Everything is so magnificent!and Sonc God, thank you for...
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
those pics are absolutely gorgeous Miles!! i really like your colouring technique, in some of them it gives the impression of pastels!i love the work, you did soooo well miles [ROCK][BLOG][RETREAT]But...
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Anything for a dear friend, Kuliwa. President and CEO of UGC and TLK:UN
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Best wishes for our dear friend Kuliwa *hugs her tight* Take care."You'll find that life is still worth while, if you just smile". - 'Smile', written by Charles Chaplin.
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
Awww, I'm glad you guys like it. It sounds like my art must be getting better. The actual idea for this was born waaaayyy back in December. Chris is helping convert it to a Flash video, so you can...
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
Awww...... Those are cute! You two are too sweet! And Kuliwa, I too hope you get better! ^_^
View ArticleRe: To Kuliwa from Miles Cheetah and The Sonic God!!!!!!
I hope that anyone suffering depression, Malli, Kuliwa, or myself, to find the light at the end of the tunnel, and begin a new journey, a journey of happiness and tranquility.President and CEO of UGC...
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